Cooked steak is one of the most delicious foods that you can eat. It is also very healthy and provides your body with a lot of protein. However, like all other types of food, cooked steak has a limited shelf life.
In this blog post, we will discuss how long does cooked steak last in the fridge, and provide some tips on how to increase its shelf life. We will also provide some information on how to tell if the cooked steak has gone bad.

Let’s get started!
How Long Does Cooked Steak Last in The Fridge?
The cooked steak will last in the fridge for up to four days. Steak that has been cooked and then frozen can be stored for up to six months. When storing cooked steak, make sure it is in an airtight container or wrapped tightly in aluminum foil or plastic wrap.
When it comes to cooked steak, freshness is key. To keep your steak fresh, try to eat it within three days of cooking for the best flavor and texture. If you must keep it longer, freezing is your best option. When stored properly, the frozen cooked steak can last for up to six months.
So, how long does cooked steak last in the fridge? Up to four days… but it’s best enjoyed within three days of cooking. After that, your best bet is to freeze it. And as long as you keep it properly stored, frozen cooked steak can last for up to six months. So go ahead and cook up a big batch of steak — your future self will thank you!
Check out these 8 Best Pellet Grills for Steaks!
Why Cooked Steaks Go Bad?
When it comes to steak, there are a lot of different ways that you can cook it. You can fry it, bake it, grill it, and even microwave it. But no matter how you cook your steak, there is always the potential for it to go bad.
In this section of the blog post, we are going to take a detailed look at why cooked steak goes bad and some of the different ways that it can happen.
One of the most common ways that cooked steak goes bad is by being overcooked. When you overcook a steak, it can become very dry and tough. This is because all of the moisture has been cooked out of it.
Overcooked steak can also have a very burnt taste to it. If you find that your steak has been overcooked, it is best to throw it away and start over.
While overcooking can ruin a steak, so can undercooking it. Steak that has not been cooked long enough can be very tough and chewy. It can also have a raw taste to it. If you are unsure about whether or not your steak is cooked enough, it is best to err on the side of caution and cook it for a little longer.
Improper Storage
Another way that cooked steak can go bad is by being improperly stored. Steak should always be stored in an airtight container in the fridge. If steak is left out at room temperature, it can start to spoil.
Steaks that have been stored in the fridge for too long can also start to go bad. If you are unsure about how long your steak has been stored, it is best to throw it away and get a new one.
These are just some of the different ways that cooked steak can go bad. If you are unsure about whether or not your steak is still good, don’t forget to check the signs coming in the next section of this guide. This will help ensure that you do not get sick from eating spoiled steak.
Read Also: How To Grill Top Round Steak?
How To Tell If Cooked Steak Has Gone Bad?
A lot of people love steak, and for a good reason – it’s delicious! However, what do you do if you cook a steak and then can’t eat it all? The best way to store cooked steak is in the fridge, but how can you tell if it’s gone bad?
In this section of the blog post, we’ll teach you how to tell if the cooked steak has gone bad so that you don’t have to waste any meat.
Touch The Steak – If it feels slimy or sticky, it’s gone bad
One of the first things you’ll want to do when checking to see if your steak has gone bad is to touch it. If the steak feels slimy or sticky, it’s a good indication that it has gone bad and you should throw it out.
This is because the slime is caused by bacteria growth on the surface of the meat. The bacteria can cause food poisoning, so it’s best to err on the side of caution and get rid of any steak that feels slimy.
Check Use-by-Date
The second step in telling if the cooked steak has gone bad is checking the use-by date. This is the date that the manufacturer has determined is the last day that the steak will be at its peak freshness. After this date, the steak may not be as juicy or flavorful.
When it comes to storing steak in the refrigerator, it is best to freeze the steak two days prior to the expiration of this date. For instance, if the use-by-date mentioned is April 20th, you must freeze the cooked steak on or before April 18th to avoid any chance of eating unhealthy food after freezing.
If the use-by date has passed, throw the steak away. You can usually find the use-by date on the packaging of the steak. If it is not there, don’t risk it and throw it away.
Always remember it’s better safe than sorry!
Smell The Steak – If it smells off-putting, it’s gone bad
Whether you’re a grilling novice or a seasoned pro, there’s nothing worse than biting into a juicy steak only to find that it’s gone bad. While there are several tell-tale signs that cooked steak has spoiled, the most reliable way to tell if it’s time to toss your steak is by using your nose. Cooked steak should have a subtle, appetizing smell. If it smells sour, acidic, or just plain off, it’s likely that the meat has gone bad.
If you’re not sure whether the steak is good or bad, give it a sniff. If it doesn’t smell right, throw it away. Cooked meats can also develop an acrid odor when they’re overcooked. If your steak smells burnt, it’s probably not going to taste very good either. So, if in doubt, throw it out!
Look at the juices coming out of the Steak
The next way to tell if your steak has gone bad is to look at the juices coming out of it. If no juices are coming out, then the steak is bad. If the juices are clear and plentiful, then the steak is good.
However, if they’re cloudy or have chunks in them, then the steak has most likely gone bad and should be thrown away. So, if you’re looking for a well-done steak after taking it out of the freezer, you should check the juices before cutting into it. If there are no juices, or if they’re discolored, it’s best to toss them out!
Check The Color of The Steak – If it’s discolored, it’s gone bad
The final step in how to tell if the cooked steak has gone bad is to check the color of the steak. If it’s discolored, it’s gone bad. Cooked steak should be a uniform pink color throughout. If you see any areas that are browning or graying, that’s a sign that the meat is starting to go bad.
The same is true if the steak has any greenish hues. If you’re not sure whether the color change is due to cooking or spoilage, smell the steak. Bad meat will have a rancid, unpleasant odor that is nothing like the smell of freshly cooked steak. If you’re still not sure, try tasting a small piece of the meat. If it tastes off-putting, it’s probably best to throw it out.
There you have it! These are the five ways to tell if your cooked steak has gone bad. Now that you know how to tell if a cooked steak has gone bad, it’s important to remember these tips the next time you’re cooking up a delicious piece of meat. Remember, the sooner you catch a spoiled steak, the better.
If you have any questions or want more information about food safety, don’t forget to check our detailed blogs about steak and other BBQ meats.
Read Also: How long should a steak rest after grilling?
How To Increase The Shelf Life Of Cooked Steak?

It is safe to say that nobody enjoys eating a steak that has been sitting in the fridge for days on end. The texture of the meat changes, it becomes tougher and less enjoyable to eat. So, how can you increase the shelf life of your cooked steak?
In this last section of the blog post, we will be giving you a detailed description of four tips that will help you keep your steak fresh for longer!
1. Use Airtight Containers For Storage
Tip number one is to store your cooked steak in an airtight container. This will help to keep the meat from drying out and prevent it from picking up any unwanted smells from the fridge.
2. Buy Higher Quality Meats
One way to ensure that your cooked steak will last longer is by buying higher-quality meats. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s actually quite important. Not only will higher-quality meats be more tender and flavorful, but they’ll also have a lower risk of contamination.
When it comes to steak, you should always look for USDA Prime or Choice Grades. These are the highest quality grades available, and they’ll definitely make a difference in the taste and texture of your steak. Not to mention, they’ll also be less likely to spoil quickly.
3. Store the Steak in the Freezer
If you are looking for a longer-term solution, then you can store the cooked steak in the freezer. This will help to keep the meat fresh for a longer period of time.
4. Cook the steak to your liking
Most people overcook their steak because they are afraid of undercooking it. This is a huge mistake because not only does it make the meat tough, but it also dries it out. When you cook the steak to your liking, you will be able to enjoy tender and juicy meat that has plenty of flavors. In order to find out how to cook the steak to your liking, it is important to use a meat thermometer. This will help you determine when the steak is done cooking.
If you overcook the steak, then it will be more likely to dry out when you try to store it.
By following these tips, you can increase the shelf life of your cooked steak and enjoy it for longer!
Read Also: How long does marinated chicken last in the fridge?
What is the best way to store cooked steak?
The best way to store cooked steak is in the refrigerator. The cooked steak will last for three to four days in the refrigerator. Steak can also be frozen for up to six months. To prevent freezer burn, wrap the steak tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.
Can you freeze cooked steak?
Yes, you can freeze cooked steak. Freeze cooked steak in individual portions so that you can thaw and reheat as needed. When freezing cooked steak, be sure to wrap it tightly in freezer-safe packaging to prevent freezer burn.
How do I reheat cooked steak?
There are a few methods you can use to reheat your steak. The most important thing is to not overcook it, or else it will be tough and dry.
1. One method is to slice the steak thinly and reheat it in a pan over medium-low heat until the temperature reaches 110 degrees.
2. Another is to wrap the steak in foil and place it in an oven for about 25 minutes at a low temperature.
3. If you’re in a hurry, you can also microwave the steak, but it won’t be as good as if you reheat it slowly. Place the steak on a plate and microwave it on high for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Let it rest for a minute before eating.
Wrapping Up
Although cooked steak may last in the fridge for a few days, it is important to know how to tell if it has gone bad. The best way to avoid eating spoiled meat is by knowing when it expires and being vigilant about its appearance. If you are looking for ways to increase the shelf life of your cooked steak, there are a few methods you can try.
By following these tips, you can enjoy your favorite dish without having to worry about food poisoning.