How Long To Grill Steak at 400? (Ultimate Guide)

The smoky flavor and juicy, tender meat are hard to beat. Grilling a steak can be tricky, but you want to make sure it’s cooked evenly through without burning the outside. Many people think that the best way to grill steak is by cooking it at a high temperature. But, the question is how long to grill steak at 400 degrees for perfect results? 

This guide has got you!

How Long To Grill Steak at 400?

While the high-heat method can work, it can also lead to your steak being overcooked on the outside while still being raw on the inside. A better method is to cook your steak at a lower temperature for a more extended time. This will help you avoid overcooking your steak while still ensuring that it is cooked through.

Check out these 8 best pellet grills for steaks for perfect results!

This blog post will discuss how long you should grill your steak at 400 to get the perfect results!

Grilling Steak at 400 Degrees

Grilling steak at 400 degrees is the perfect way to get juicy, flavorful meat cooked evenly. The key to a perfect steak is to cook it for the right amount of time. You do not want to overcook your steak or be tough and dry. Likewise, you do not want to be raw and bloody. The perfect time to grill a steak at 400 degrees is four and six minutes.

To get the perfect steak, you need to start with a good cut of meat. The best cuts of steak for grilling are ribeye, strip steak, or filet mignon. These cuts of meat are all well-marbled, which means they have streaks of fat running through them. The fat helps to keep the steak juicy and flavorful as it cooks. You can find these cuts of meat at your local grocery store or butcher shop.

Once you have your meat, it’s time to prepare it for grilling. Start patting the steak dry with a paper towel, preventing the meat from sticking to the grill. Then, season the steak with salt and pepper. Add garlic powder or onion powder.

When you are ready to grill, preheat your grill to 400 degrees. Next, place the steak on the grill and cook it for four to six minutes per side. For a medium-rare steak, cook for four minutes per side. For a medium steak, cook for five minutes per side. And for a well-done steak, cook for six minutes per side.

You will want to remove the steak from the grill once it is cooked to your liking and let it rest for a few minutes before slicing into it. Resting the steak will allow its juices to remain intact.

Read Also: How long should a steak rest after grilling?

What is the Best Temperature To Grill Steak?

The answer depends on the thickness of your steak. You need to cook it for about 5-6 minutes for a thick steak. You will only need to cook a thinner steak for about 3-4 minutes.

These are only estimates and should not be taken as factual information. The best way to know if your steak is cooked to your liking is to use a meat thermometer. 

The thermometer should be inserted into the thickest part of the steak and check the temperature. You will want it to be around 130 degrees Fahrenheit for a rare steak. For a medium-rare steak, you will want it to be around 145 degrees Fahrenheit. And for a well-done steak, you will want it to be about 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

Once you have reached your desired level of doneness, remove the steak from the grill and let it rest for at least five minutes before cutting into it. This will help ensure that all juices stay locked inside the steak.

Read Also: How to grill a top round steak?

How Do You Know When Your Steak is Done?

What temperature to grill steak on a gas grill

This is a common question and one that can be difficult to answer. After all, everyone likes their steak cooked differently. Some people like it rare, while others prefer it well done.

There are a few ways to tell if your steak is done to your liking:

  • The first way is to use a thermometer. Stick the thermometer into the thickest part of the steak and check the temperature.
  • The second way is to press on the steak with your finger. If it’s rare, it will feel soft; if it’s medium-rare, it will feel slightly firm; if it’s well done, it will feel hard.
  • Another way is to cut into the steak. If it’s rare, the juices will be red; if it’s medium-rare, they’ll be pink; they’ll be clear if it’s well done.

Of course, the best way to know how you like your steak is to experiment and find out for yourself! The most important thing is that you enjoy your steak however you like it cooked.

Read Also: How long does cooked steak last in the fridge?

Tips And Tricks For Grilling The Perfect Steak:

It’s summertime, which means grilling season is in full swing. If you’re like me, you love firing up the grill and cooking up a delicious steak. But how do you know how long to grill your steak at 400 degrees?

Here are some tips and tricks for grilling the perfect steak:

  • First, make sure your steak is at room temperature before you start grilling. This will help ensure that it cooks evenly.
  • After that, sprinkle salt and pepper over your steak (or your favorite seasoning) on both sides.
  • Then, preheat your grill to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Once the grill is heated, place your steaks on the grates and close the lid.
  • Grill your steaks for six to eight minutes, flipping once halfway through cooking.
  • Remove from grill and rest for three to five minutes before cutting into steak.


After testing how long it takes to grill steak at 400 degrees, we’ve come to the conclusion that it depends on the thickness of your steak. If you’re grilling a thin steak, it won’t take very long. However, if you’re grilling a thick steak, it will take longer.

In general, we would recommend grilling your steak for about two minutes per side if you’re looking for a medium-rare finish. But of course, this is just a general guideline, and you should adjust according to your preferences.

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